A Closer Look at How Invisalign® Actually Works

A Closer Look at How Invisalign® Actually Works

Invisalign® revolutionized the field of orthodontics and has become the most requested treatment among teens and adults alike. Here’s an inside look at how those clear, snap-on trays transform your smile.

Metal braces have been the tried-and-true treatment for crooked teeth and misaligned bites for many years, and for a good reason — they work. A network of brackets and wires push and pull your teeth into the desired position. 


When Invisalign® hit the market in 1997, millions of crooked-toothed people seeking a more discreet way of achieving a straight smile clamored to try the new product. Thanks to some airtight intellectual property patents, Invisalign monopolized the market for about three years, and even after other manufacturers entered the field, it remains the leading clear aligner, with more than 13.4 patients and $4 billion in revenue. 


No longer the new kid on the block, Invisalign has a proven track record for perfecting bites and creating stunning smiles — but how does it work?


We’re glad you asked. Dr. Ben Peterson and our team at High Desert Dental in Ontario, Oregon offer Invisalign clear aligners and love to talk about what’s going on behind the scenes during your treatment. Here, Dr. Peterson explains how these little clear trays make such a big difference.


First impressions matter


We don’t have to tell you that first impressions can make or break you. Whether you’re on a first date, a job interview, or meeting your new in-laws, the first thing people see and the main thing they remember is your smile, so you’d better make it a good one. 


But there’s another kind of impression that matters during your Invisalign treatment — your bite impression. For many years, dentists made a mold of your teeth by placing a gooey substance in a large tray and having you bite down until the goop hardened. 


That process is uncomfortable and prone to flaws, so Dr. Peterson uses advanced technology to get a more precise impression of every nook and cranny in your mouth. The iTero Element® intraoral digital scanner makes that old method obsolete. 


We move the slim iTero wand around your oral cavity as it emanates a beam of light, capturing countless digital images that merge to form a three-dimensional model of your mouth. The images are viewable immediately on our computer, and we can manipulate them to see every angle. The process is comfortable, quick, and more accurate than its predecessor, which means your treatment will be more precise, as well.


A professional treatment plan


Some of the copycat companies that manufacture clear aligners modeled after Invisalign cut corners by eliminating the face-to-face relationship with your dentist. However, Dr. Peterson believes our patients deserve more than a serve-yourself approach to dental care. 


Based on his many years of experience and education, he evaluates your bite and develops a customized plan to straighten your teeth gradually. He can even show you projected images of the movement progression and the final results. 


How Invisalign moves your teeth


Once Dr. Peterson has determined the best course of treatment for you, he sends your 3-D images to the lab, where they manufacture your unique set of Invisalign transparent trays. Each set of trays is slightly different from the others, designed to work in succession. 


You swap out one set every two weeks and use the next one in the series. The flexible thermoplastic trays fit snugly over your upper and lower arches of teeth, applying gentle pressure that coaxes your teeth to conform to the trays. The proprietary SmartTrack® material grips the surface of your teeth and ensures effective movement.


It takes about two weeks for your teeth to move and settle into the new position, at which point you switch to a new set of trays and begin the process over again.


The honor system


Unlike braces, which are permanently adhered to your teeth, Invisalign clear aligners are removable, so you can eat and drink whatever you want and take them out for cleaning. However, that also means you’re in control of your treatment. The aligners must remain in your mouth at least 22 hours a day for optimal effectiveness, so if you forget to wear them or take them out for a full-day social event, you may derail or delay your results. 


To learn more about how Invisalign works and whether it’s the right choice for you, contact us by phone or online to schedule a consultation with Dr. Peterson today.

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